Work-from-home and missing perspectives on life
Imagine if all conversations happen just through our smartphones and laptops, will we ever build meaningful relationships? So, what do you miss most about these face-to-face customer interactions?
Imagine if all conversations happen just through our smartphones and laptops, will we ever build meaningful relationships? So, what do you miss most about these face-to-face customer interactions?
(Courtesy: Imagine you're a shipwrecked sailor adrift in the enormous Pacific. You can choose one of three directions and save yourself and your shipmates – but each choice comes with a fearful consequence too. How do you choose? In telling the story of the whaleship Essex, novelist...
In the next two weeks of solitude, I had hundreds of conversations with myself. By the end of my isolation, I took several decisions
Fund Managers globally, look at Abraham van Ketwich with both admiration and envy. Admiration out-of-respect for his financial innovation.
Financial services is a sector with high entry barriers and traditionally meant for players with deeper pockets given the cost of compliance, physical distribution costs and issues of data-security.
If you are into business development, whether you are a BD manager or a CEO, you are likely to bump into prospects who would test your patience and kind-of bully you. Not only because they come from a position of power, but also because they might want to vent out...